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    amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康

    amjs澳金沙门药业 传递健康


    amjs澳金沙门药业和CJ HealthCare就CJ-12420宣布在华进行合作(2015/10/28)

    发布时间:2015年10月28日 浏览次数:

    October  22, 2015, Shandong Luoxin Pharmaceutical Croup Stock Co., Ltd (“Luoxin”) entered into an agreement with CJ HealthCare Corporation (“CJ HealthCare”). The agreement grants Luoxin an exclusive right to develop, manufacture and commercialize its asset CJ-12420 for the treatment of Gastrointestinal acid-related disease in the territory of mainland China.  

         2015年10月22日,山东amjs澳金沙门药业集团股份有限公司(“amjs澳金沙门药业”)与CJ 医药健康公司 (“CJ HealthCare”)在上海签订了合作协议,该协议授予amjs澳金沙门药业在中国开发、生产和商业化其针对胃肠道酸相关疾病的候选药物CJ-12420的独家权利。

    上图为amjs澳金沙门药业董事会主席刘保起先生与CJ HealthCare总裁兼首席执行官Seok-Hee Kang成功签约并合影留念

    Under the Agreement, Luoxin will be responsible for development, manufacture and commercial activities in the Territory and associated expenses. Terms of the Agreement include up-front payment, and subsequent clinical, regulatory, and performance-based milestone payments. Luoxin will also pay CJ HealthCare double-digit percentage royalties on net sales of CJ-12420 in the Territory. Luoxin and CJ HealthCare have agreed on the initial development plan that will be executed by Luoxin. It is anticipated that the clinical trial application will be submitted in the first half of 2016. 

         根据该协议,amjs澳金沙门药业将负责该产品在中国的开发、生产、商业化及相关费用。该协议条款包括首付款、临床、上市及销售里程碑款。同时,amjs澳金沙门药业也将向CJ HealthCare支付针对CJ-12420在中国净销售额的两位数提成。amjs澳金沙门药业及CJ HealthCare已商定先期的开发计划并由amjs澳金沙门药业进行执行,临床试验申请预计将于2016年上半年提交。 

    "We are pleased to partner with CJ HealthCare to develop and commercialize CJ-12420 in China," said Baoqi Liu, Chairman of the Board of Luoxin. "CJ-12420 is an excellent fit with Luoxin's commercial capabilities and portfolio, and we believe that we can move CJ-12420 development rapidly as a new treatment option to address the unmet needs of Chinese patients with Gastrointestinal acid-related diseases. Rely on the comprehensive capability of the Luoxin including development, manufacture and commercialization, we expect to bring to more innovative and clinical differentiated medicine to Chinese patients ”  
        amjs澳金沙门药业董事会主席刘保起先生表示:“很高兴CJ HealthCare选择与我们在中国进行CJ-12420的开发和商业化合作,该产品与amjs澳金沙门药业的商业实力和产品线非常契合,我们相信通过amjs澳金沙门药业对CJ-12420开发的快速推进,将使其成为解决中国胃肠道酸相关疾病患者的一项新的治疗选择。同时,依托amjs澳金沙门药业集团包括研发,生产及商业化的综合实力,我们希望把更多创新的具有临床优势的产品带给中国的患者。” 

    "This transaction helps us further our goal of maximizing the value of CJ-12420 by selectively licensing rights to the product outside of Korea," said Seok-Hee, Kang, CJ HealthCare's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Luoxin is a leading pharmaceutical company in China with an impressive track record of achieving development, registration and effectively commercializing pharmaceutical products, especially for the acid inhibition treatment market in China, will achieve a great success in the China market." 

        Seok-Hee Kang,CJ HealthCare的总裁兼首席执行官表示:“在韩国以外的地区,通过产品授权的合作方式,将进一步实现CJ-12420价值最大化的商业目标。我们相信凭借amjs澳金沙门药业的综合研发能力,注册管理经验和市场优势,特别是在中国胃肠道市场的能力,必将开发出该产品在中国市场的巨大潜力”。 

    CJ-12420 is a potassium-competitive acid blocker (P-CAB) in Phase 3 development for the treatment of reflux esophagitis and other acid-related GI diseases. CJ-12420 competitively inhibits the binding of potassium ions to H+,K+-ATPase in the final step of gastric acid secretion in gastric parietal cells, which has the potential to provide a strong and sustained acid secretion inhibitory effect. 


    Pursuant to the statistics from IMS, in mainland China, the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of Gastrointestinal anti-acids market is about 25% in 2010-2014, and the annual sales revenue reached 2.6 billion US dollars in 2014. 



    About Luoxin 


    Luoxin is a well-established domestic pharmaceutical company in China, which has the full chain capability of R&D, manufacture, supply, and commercialization. In 2014, sales revenue reached 1B USD. In 2014, Luoxin Shanghai R&D center was set up, with the commitment to enrich current pipelines (generics) with innovative medicines, through in-licensing and strategic partnerships. With the comprehensive capabilities in China market, Luoxin is committed and dedicated to provide good medicines to Chinese patients. For further information, please visit us at 

    About CJ HealthCare 

    关于CJ HealthCare 

    CJ HealthCare Corp. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CJ CheilJedang Corp., which is the backbone of Korea's giant CJ Group. Since its establishment in 1984, CJ HealthCare has taken firm leadership in the local pharmaceutical market thanks to its product lineup of prescription drugs such as gastrointestinal, anticancer, circulatory system, diabetes, and kidney disease treatments and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. CJ HealthCare continues its commitment to R&D and innovation for the healthier future of human beings. CJ HealthCare looks set to secure the product pipelines of new drugs and biologics based on its invaluable human resources with globally competitive R&D competencies by 2020 and globalize its arena through tapping into overseas markets more proactively. CJ HealthCare discovers, develops, manufactures and markets mainly prescription drugs and achieved 435 Million USD with 1,156 employees in 2014. For further information, please visit us at 

        CJ HealthCare Corp.是CJ CheilJedang Corp.的全资子公司,而CJ CheilJedang Corp.为韩国巨擘CJ Group的骨干企业。自1948年成立以来,CJ HealthCare凭借其处方药,如肠胃药、抗癌药、循环系统药、糖尿病药及肾药,及非处方药品组合,于韩国药品市场独占鳌头。CJ HealthCare继续致力于研发及创新,造福人类未来健康生活。CJ HealthCare务求于2020年基于其宝贵人力资源及具有全球竞争力的研发能力确保推出新药品及生物产品系列,并透过更积极进军海外市场,将业务拓展至全球范畴。CJ HealthCare主要物色、开发、生产及营销处方药,于2014年取得4.35亿美元,旗下有1,156名雇员。更多资料请访问 

    Contract 联系人 

    Shandong Luoxin Pharmaceutical Group Stock Co., Ltd.山东amjs澳金沙门药业集团股份有限公司  
    Peter Ji   

    Business Development Director业务发展总监 

    86(21)50860180 - 8865 


    CJ HealthCare Corporation  

    Seoung-Pill Shin  

    Strategy Support Specialist战略支持专员  

    82(2) 67402154

